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Spotlight: Online Business Directories for BIDs

A Saltwater Software customer is in the spotlight review of BID business directories.

As the business density of urban districts continues to grow, organizing and mapping these destinations in your district is becoming more and more important. The web continues to gain ground as our first go-to resource for information and we expect information to be displayed in a standard and familiar format. For location information, this format is a searchable, categorized listing and plotted on an interactive map with a familiar interface. Forget about the yellow pages — from website store locators, to yelp, to your car’s GPS, this has become how we locate places and businesses. We were delighted to see that Commercial District Advisor included one of our Saltwater Software for Districts customers, LA Fashion District, in their spotlight on online business directories for BIDs.

“We wanted to take a moment here at Commercial District Advisor to do a round up of various commercial district online business directories. Since many people take a look at what a district has to offer before or after they make a visit, or even during a visit via mobile device, it is important to explore the variety of directories districts are posting online. Here are a few:”

Spotlight: Online Business Directories for BIDs